
Τετάρτη 2 Μαΐου 2018

AxMinister - The Crucible of Sin (2018)

RELEASE 4 May 2018

Hailing from the frozen tundra of Ontario, AxMinister are the heroes of metal the world needs!

Initially formed back in the forgotten mists of metallic history (1999); the power-trio AxMinister looked upon how po-faced metal had become; and yay, and verily, did they pull their mighty Ax from its anvil where it had rested, Excalibur-like, until it was needed; and set out to put the metal world to rights…that is as it should be! They are here to minister the metal; and they have their mighty Ax; their symbol of salvation to guide them.

In magic and metal myth, names have power, and none more so than AxMinister, as splendidly-named drummer Bas Von Bismark explains. “We play warriors of metal on a holy quest. Our preferred weapon is the Ax. It’s also a street name where we partook in libations as teenagers.”

Inspired by Megadeth, Metallica, Slayer, Iron Maiden, Manowar, Bas describes AxMinister’s sound as “sped up Type O Negative.”

Bas is stoked for fans to hear AxMinister’s new music, their forthcoming 2018 EP “The Crucible of Sin” to follow singles “Visceral Speed” (2017), “AXistential Christmas” (2015), “Unborn Warriors: The Cries of Tomorrow” (2015) and full length “Betray Everything” (2015).

“Our soon to be released EP “The Crucible of Sin” sports a sense of humour. It tries to tell an… at times, nihilistic, story about love, lust, oppression, and redemption. Following every recording and show, we try to reflect on our own mistakes, and attempt to improve. We grew to understand our 90s thrash/traditional style of songwriting, and compose accordingly. We also get the importance of having a big sound on stage and on record; and the importance of working with a good producer.”

Live, AxMinister really wield their weapons of choice to great effect. “We put on a show, as we play medieval characters on stage. Sometimes we make a human sacrifice as our guitarist solos, other times we chant and pour blood on ourselves. We try to be theatrical and our stage show is constantly evolving.”

“The Crucible of Sin” is due out May 4, 2018 and available for pre-order on Bandcamp here.

EP Band Line Up:
Nicholas Klaus – Bass and Vocals
Bas von Bismark – Drums
Tim Smith – Guitar
Nick Allaire – Backing Vocals

Live Band Line Up:
Nicholas Klaus – Bass and Vocals
Bas von Bismark- Drums
Tim Smith- Guitar

2018 – The Crucible of Sin (EP)
2017 – Visceral Speed  (Single)
2015 – AXistential Christmas (single)
2015 – Unborn Warriors: The Cries of Tomorrow (single)
2015 – Betray Everything (LP)
2013 – Ora Pro Nobis (EP)
2010 – Stripped of False Pride (EP)

Shared Stage with:
King Parrot, The Agonist, Varga, Psychostick, Cauldron, Crimson Shadows, Vesperia, Wrechedpain, Profaner, Lutharo, Protokult, PHEAR, Decatur

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