Heavy Metal About.com:"In 1986, Ozzy released his fourth solo album, The Ultimate Sin. It had a huge hit, "Shot in the Dark," and went double-platinum. "Shot in the Dark" is a pop metal anthem that works because it is unlike anything Ozzy had ever released. It was originally recorded a few years prior by the rock band Wildfire. Bassist Phil Soussan, who was a former member of Wildfire, brought the song with him when he joined Ozzy's band. The song was reworked, given a faster tempo, and turned into the hit that was probably one of the few catalysts for the solid album sales The Ultimate Sin ascertained."
Tracklist :
1.The Ultimate Sin (Official Video)
2. Secret Loser
3. Never Know Why
4. Thank God For The Bomb
5. Never
6. Lightning Strikes
7. Killer Of Giants
8. Fool Like You
9. Shot In The Dark (Official Video)
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